The Note-Taking System I’m Using to Publish Daily Content on the Internet

A simple way to write better content, faster

Matt Giaro
The Startup


Image generated by the author using DALL·E 3

My brain used to feel like a browser with 100 tabs open.

I’m consuming a lot of information, have dozens of ideas each day, and always write them down like a mad scientist.

I ended up with over 3,000 notes. It was overwhelming, and frankly, a huge mess. But within this chaos, I discovered a new way to turn them into a steady stream of online content.

And it has nothing to do with a Notion template.

Here’s the note-taking system that can help you create daily content (almost) effortlessly.

Stop forgetting your best ideas

Ideas are slippery.

They dart in and out when I’m not in front of a screen, mostly when driving, taking a walk, or a shower. Every time I promised myself to remember them later…

Poof. Gone. I was frustrated. Because when I actually sit down and write… I mostly have no inspiration whatsoever.

So I made the decision to capture my ideas on the go so that when I sat down to write, I would be able to recall them easily. Since I always have my phone on me, I started capturing them. As a…



Matt Giaro
The Startup

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉