The One Change You Need To Make To Actually Get Stuff Done

Zerin Pekin-Kocakgol
3 min readSep 28, 2017


Getting stuff done.

That’s what productivity is all about, isn’t it? The glorious moment when you get to cross off another item on your to-do list or check another box on your task manager app.

And one thing is certain — there are plenty of resources and tools out there to make that happen.

But, if you just jump straight into action without being mentally prepared, you’ll struggle to be productive.

There are several steps you can take to mentally prepare yourself to achieve your goals, but in essence, it all boils down to one simple question.

Is your mindset right?

Your mindset is the set of attitudes and beliefs you hold. It determines how you receive and react to information around you. In other words, your mindset is your approach to life, to problems and to external factors.

If you want to get stuff done, you’ve got to get your mindset right.

When you’re faced with stuff to get done and you want to get in the right mindset, consider the following questions:

  1. Why do I want to achieve this?
  2. What will happen if I don’t get this done?
  3. Will this help me get closer to achieving my long-term goals?

Why do I want to achieve this?

This first question is all about establishing your motivation.

What’s driving you to complete this task?

What positive outcomes can you expect to see from completing it?

For example, if it’s a workout at the gym, then a positive outcome is that you will burn fat and improve your fitness.

If you have an exam coming up and you need to study, the positive outcome will be that you’ll be more likely to achieve a higher grade.

If you have a big project at work, a positive result could be a raise or a promotion.

In other words, work out what good will come once you’ve completed this task. This’ll give you something to work towards and motivate you.

What will happen if I don’t get this done?

Some people are more motivated by the negative consequences that failure to act would bring about. Some people are motivated by a little bit of both. Either way, it’s good to remind yourself of what the outcome would be if you don’t take action.

So, if you skip your workout, you’ll feel guilty and you won’t be any closer to your fitness goals.

If you don’t study before an exam, you’re likely to perform poorly, which could affect your grades.

You get the point.

Will this help me get closer to achieving my long-term goals?

This question is an important one.

If you want to motivate yourself to get stuff done, you’ve got to remind yourself of the bigger picture. A little perspective can go a long way in helping you to find that drive to push through and give it your all.

Think about your long-term goals. Is it getting into university? Is it starting your own business?

Whatever your goals are, consider how the work you do today will help you to get closer to achieving them.

It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking, “What’s the point?”, so remind yourself of what the point is to get your mind back in the game.

So, to sum up, if you want to actually get stuff done, the one change you need to make is your mindset. Try it and see how much difference it can make for your productivity.

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Originally published at on September 28, 2017.



Zerin Pekin-Kocakgol

Part of the team @ @eisedo_app — the smart task manager that automatically prioritises your tasks for you.