The One Email That Launched My Business

Suzanne Yada
The Startup


I get a variation of this question all the time:

“How do I get started on my business?”

It’s a big question, and for freelancers and solopreneurs, it can be a daunting one. But honestly, it can be super simple.

I was reminded about how I began with my business in 2015: with just one email.

I sent one email to the people I knew and connected with. That’s it.

The response I got in return helped me get started on what services to offer, how to price them, and who to offer it to.

First, I made a short list of topics I had some expertise in, that I knew were valuable and that could really help people. I wasn’t sure on which one, but I decided to stay in the general realm of internet-y, marketing-y type skills, because I know that would be an easier sell than, say, underwater basketweaving.

Then, I went into my Gmail outbox, and I looked at everyone I had a conversation with over the past 6 months that could possibly be interested in my services. I ended up with a list of about 200–250 people of friends, family and acquaintances. I made sure to curate this list to individuals who I actually knew, had a relationship with and were interested in developments of my life. I did not want to spam.

