The One Thing You Need to Add to Your Talent to Create a Dependable Income

Not hard work (although hard work has its place)

David O.
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMar 4, 2020


Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

Nobody knows the value your talent can give them until you stage a performance (or demonstration) to showcase it.

A big performance is the one thing you need.

But putting up a great performance involves careful planning and diligence. It is a process.

Success is Measured in Money (or Income)

The feeling of success doesn’t last.

Maybe you have been in that place before. You thought if you can just buy that new car, it will be the best feeling ever. You thought if you can just double your income, you will be able to live your dreams. Then it happened. And soon afterwards, you go right back to wishing.

When you anticipate success, the thrill you give yourself towards it is amazing. But when you finally get there, you realize that the feeling grows stale. Living for the high feeling is not a good practice. This has led people to all manner of drug addiction.

Success is not a feeling. Success is more than just money. But money is the only way we can measure success. All the other ways can’t really be measured.



David O.
The Startup

I investigate things and write about them. Mostly around wealth, money, rich people, career, and business success. Not financial advice