The Original Productivity Hack

Dr. Todd Snyder
6 min readMay 8, 2020

How to Beat Subconscious Sabotage with “Disciplined Pleasure”

Pop art graphic of alarm clock ringing

Who is more productive, a person who works eight hours every day, or a person who works six hours every day?

If you’ve been studying productivity for long, you already know this is a trick question. We’ve been conditioned to equate “busy” and “productive.” When in reality, productivity is about getting things done. It’s not about working long hours.

Here’s a better question. “How can I finish eight hours of work in six hours?”

The “trick” to pulling that off may be easier than you think, and a lot more enjoyable than you might imagine.

The Surprising Truth About Productivity

Humans love novelty. As a productivity hacker myself, I’m fascinated by cutting-edge ideas for getting things done faster.

Despite this, I force myself to periodically review the basics. I’m talking about tried-and-true, foundational principles for productivity that account for the difference between average people and peak productivity masters.

Today I want to remind you of just one of those super-important foundational principles. You might think of it as the original productivity hack. Because it is timeless in…



Dr. Todd Snyder

Dr. Snyder is a Psychologist and Productivity Coach working with entrepreneurs to accelerate results that matter. Learn more at