Writing a perfect pitch mail for an angel investor

Rashi Desai
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2019


Looking forward to starting to pitch your startup to your Angel Investors? Here’s what you should know before rolling out those cold emails:’)

Statistics for the Starters

  1. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average ROI (Return on Investment) of $38
  2. 72 percent of consumers prefer email as their source of business communication

Cold Email

A cold email is an unsolicited email that is sent to a receiver without prior contact, and it is not a spam!

In the mobile app world, the average opening rate for a cold email is <20%. That means more than 80 percent of all cold emails are deleted before they’re even opened. That’s nasty! But the truth is, cold emailing potential investors isn’t actually as difficult as it may seem. All you need to do is take care of a checklist and a certain bullet before you send the emails to your potential investors.


  1. Scrutinize your investor
  2. Choosing a classic subject line
  3. Who are you?
  4. Why would you interest them?
  5. Set up a meeting

1) Scrutinizing your investor

Make a thorough note of the customers, competitors, products, suppliers, industry, business location, approachability, statistics, tech-savviness of your investor. How likely are they to invest in your start-up? Understand what the potential investor is interested in, what might make them interested in you, and what new dimensions you can put forward to get your feet in the shoes. Look for their past, present, and future. And if YOU have competition encounters, strategize what makes you better than them.

Resources: Make the optimum use of platforms like AngelList and Crunchbase to make sure your company is in their area interest and investment.

2) Choosing a classic subject line

“Looking for blogging Opportunities”

“Hit 1M views on your blog!”

Self-explanatory! What will reinforce the HR personnel to open your email and not discard as just another marketing email? Come up with an intriguing subject line. Show the investor your value right in one sentence and if you lucky enough, the investor might take a few seconds and read that one sentence. Exhibit your confidence for them to trust you.

Key: Pique your investor’s interest with an optimistic subject line and your feet are in the shoes already.

3) Who are you?

Be very concise and exact what goes on the first 6 lines of your mail. 67% mails get deleted if the first 6 lines are not of a person’s benefit.

Write a personalized mail to your investor. Salutations in their name would be even better but for cold mails, keep it as personalized as possible. In no sorts, it should seem like yet another marketing mail


My name is [YOUR NAME], the founder and CEO of [COMPANY NAME]. I have been an entrepreneur for XX years and previously worked with [COMPANY X], [COMPANY Y], and [COMPANY Z]. I attended [UNIVERSITY] in [YEAR] and obtained a master’s degree in — ”

….Hello Trash!


  1. Write a 1-sentence intro for yourself
  2. Do not overstress on your background
  3. Do not ask for direct seed funding
  4. Keep your mail limited to utmost 2 paragraphs
  5. Cite some effective statistics (optional)
  6. Fix a conversation/meeting

4) Why would you interest them?

To wear those shoes and start walking, you need to keep the momentum high!

Establish yourself and the investor on the same page. Use wise keywords or phrases to excite their investments. Show a definite ROI. AND attach the brochure of your start-up for their further considerations.

Attaching links of your credibility: Press Mentions, Social Media Visibility, Numbers and Statistics

5) Set up a meeting

This is the final stage towards you getting into the angel investors’ shoes. Now is the time, you are thrown out as a misfit or shopped for a marathon.

Ask for a meeting in the mail itself.

Do you have 10 minutes for a call sometime this week?

Are you free for a quick call in the next week?

Please provide me with a meeting time and date. Would much appreciate.


Do NOT Use Such Phrases in your email

  1. Don’t miss this opportunity!
  2. We’re different than our competitors in…
  3. We’ve helped lots of companies like yours
  4. Could you put me in touch with…?
  5. Trust Me
  6. We accept all forms of payment
  7. I can tell we’ll make a great team
  8. Elaborate Product Costing

Before drafting your email

  1. Prepare a list of all potential investors
  2. Prioritize your list of investors: Angel, Moderate, LessHopeful (LH)
  3. Keep a status tab for all the investor communications
  4. Track your competitors with the same investor

Hope these steps to writing a perfect mail to your angel investors helps! Keep mailing :wink:

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Rashi Desai
The Startup

An Analytics Consultant from Chicago & Top 100 writer on Medium. Everyone loves a good story & I tell mine with data!