The Perfect Stack Is Merely a Door Opener

Fredrik Holm
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2018


Back in 2005, Derek Sivers coined the concept that ideas are just multipliers of execution.

He meant that ideas in themselves are utterly useless unless acted upon; they are just amplifiers waiting for a signal to boost.

And that signal consists of execution.

Which means that a great idea with bad execution probably won’t take you very far — like in “don’t quit your day job” — while a so-so-idea with great execution very well can become a sustainable business.

Let’s Do A Remix of This Idea

Fast-forward a decade into present day’s fascinating developer community, and let’s see what happens if we apply this theory to another concept.

Namely, the importance of the technology stack for the overall success of a project.

I mean, just as many wannabe entrepreneurs overestimate the value of their ideas, I think that we as developers tend to overestimate the importance of the tech stack for the project outcome.

For instance, every time I mention that I am building a SaaS product to another developer; the first question I get is usually about what stack I am…



Fredrik Holm
The Startup

Founder of Flowmine: Helping and inspiring entrepreneurs to take their business to the next level.