The Perfect System for Success & Exhaustion

Tutti Taygerly
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMay 22, 2020


sketch of the perfect system, a visual overview of this article
The Perfect System

I’ve had what most people would call success throughout my academic and professional career. I’m driven and ambitious. It’s a part of me that’s both nature and nurture from my Thai-Chinese tiger mom. One of my coaches, Rich Litvin, introduced me to this tool of creating The Perfect System — it’s a tongue-in-cheek, playful reminder that when I push for success at all costs, it leads to exhaustion and burnout.

I’m sharing the six aspects of my Perfect System to Success + Exhaustion. All the examples are real ones from my life. This isn’t my reality right now, yet it is all-too-familiar. And I continue to fall into the same traps. I recommend that you do not follow all these aspects.

1. Book my calendar from 8am to 8pm

I thrive by interacting with people. I work with fascinating parters to brainstorm and co-create new things into the world. I serve my clients to become better leaders and to lead more fulfilling lives. I am busy all the time, and it makes me feel important, especially when my calendar is double- or triple-booked. When I am extra-busy, I pull out the three reserve superpowers:

  • Wake up earlier to get more done
  • Go back to work late at night after my kids go to bed
  • Work on Sunday afternoons & nights to get a…



Tutti Taygerly
The Startup

Leadership coach & champion of difficult people; designer of human experiences; ex-Facebook; surfer, traveller, mom;