The Perfect Time for Personal Development is Now

Ryan Cass
7 min readJul 14, 2020


We’re facing a time like no other right now as the COVID-19 virus has permeated throughout the entire globe, creating an abrupt shift amongst nearly everything: families, small businesses, hospitals, travel, you name it. In addition, unjust murders of African Americans in the United States has created turmoil and sparked a call to action to end racism and unify people.

It’s times like these that serve as tests for us as individuals, though. This is a great period of uncertainty that has caused significant disruption to the “the norm.” It’s easy to allow negativity to linger in, reminisce about how things should be, and to deter from developing yourself due to the unexpected deck of cards that life has dealt.

You have two choices when difficult situations occur. You can either let them break you, or let them shape you. Choose option #2.

Looking at this situation with a positive lens, I see the perfect opportunity for personal growth. Better than ever before. Why? 2 reasons:

1. Our world needs it! Look at what is going on right now. We need positive people. We need people to develop others. We need people to be beacons of strength. I truly believe that changing the world starts with influencing people positively before innovating the next groundbreaking technology, etc. Be the shining light — this is a call to action!

2. We have extra time to capitalize on! Many activities are still postponed and economies are slowly reopening. The time that you may have once been searching for before is now staring at you in the eyes waiting to be taken! Go for it!

It is always important invest in yourself and to build and refine a flourishing system that will enable you to: live a positive life, help others, and experience sustained success. More so than ever, consider this time that we are in as the perfect time for personal development! Time to dig in and learn more about two simple things that you can do to get started!

Be Intentional

Time and time again, this simple phrase still remains one of the best pieces of advice that a mentor passed onto me. In a previous post about achieving balance and maximizing your time, I highlighted the importance of being intentional. When it comes to investing in your personal development, being intentional about it is key!

In his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, renowned leadership expert, John Maxwell, notes “The Law of Intentionality” first. The book lists several growth gap traps, one notably being the timing gap . “It’s not the right time to begin.”

John met a man by the name of Curt Kampmeier who asked him a defining question. A question that influenced him to become the John Maxwell that the world knows today.

“Do you have a plan for personal growth?”

That question made John ponder about his life and whether or not he should invest in the $799 personal growth kit that Curt was selling. Fortunately, he knew that making an investment in himself was the best thing to do or else he would become victim to the timing gap. Finding every reason that you can not to start something.

Had John not made this investment and used timing as an excuse, the world may not have been graced by the 19+ million copies of his books that are developing people each and every day.

Also covered in the book is the law of diminishing intent: “The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater odds that you will never actually do it.”

Simple ways to become intentional and get started on your journey:

1. Share With People

People in your corner want you to succeed and will help you if they know what you’re aiming for. Let them know! It makes a world of difference.

2. Write It Out

Say you want to start reading more. Simply write on a piece of paper, “I will read for 30 minutes everyday.” Keep this paper in a place where you will regularly see it, and I guarantee that the thought of reading will find a home in your subconscious and you’ll be more likely to do it.

3. Focus on Positive Language

Speak things into existence. Eliminate the words “try” and “hope” from your vocabulary. Don’t “try” to get started…get started! Simple word choices influence your behavior. Margie Warrell, an internationally recognized leader in human potential, inspires people all over the world to practice this. She encourages people to express commitment!

4. Map Out Your Ideal Day

We all share the same 24 hours. Have you ever mapped out what an ideal day would be? Imagine if you didn’t spend so much time scrolling through social media. If you map out your ideal day, I am willing to bet that it will not consist of hours scrolling through posts.

Mapping out your idea day by the hour, including sleep, helps you become more intentional and live more purposeful days. It won’t always be perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction. More to come on this topic in the future!

Don’t fall victim to the timing gap. The time is here, right now. Starting the journey is easier than you think!

Read,Read, Read!

The strongest and arguably best habit that I’ve developed over the past year, and refined during this pandemic is reading. I’ve written about the myriad of benefits that come as a result of being an avid reader in the past, but the main point that I will make here is that reading is the easiest way to develop yourself. Plain and simple.

We are in large part a product of the people that we spend the most amount of time with, and I believe that we are also a product of the material that we regularly consume.

I was recently having a conversation with one of my mentors and while we were on the subject of leadership and personal development, he reflected, “I wonder what chapter of what book some people are speaking out of during meetings.” Meaning, many leaders that we listen to in various settings are not speaking strictly about what they know, but what they’ve learned by acquiring knowledge through routinely reading.

Below are a few book recommendations that have helped me tremendously and have been recommended to me by fellow coaches, leaders, and people whom I trust:

1. Atomic Habits — James Clear

This book still remains one of my all time favorites as it shows you how to build new habits and presents the information in a clear, unintimidating, and concise manner. My reading habit was formed after reading this book!

2. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth — John Maxwell

Mentioning this for a second time here, so you know it’s good! I really enjoy how this book gets you to think about your passion and purpose, and how it provides challenges for you at the end of each chapter. Great way to build confidence in yourself!

3. You Are a Badass — Jen Sincero

Back in 2018, I made self care a priority on my annual goals list. Up until that point, I was absolutely terrible about it in terms of taking time for myself and beating myself up mentally. This book and its constant reminders to love yourself really helped ensure that I continue to make self care a priority.

4. Can’t Hurt Me — David Goggins

WARNING: This book is intense. If you don’t know who David Goggins is, look him up before you purchase this book and begin reading it. This book will help you develop an insurmountable mindset that will allow you to conquer your goals, push yourself to limits that you didn’t know you had, and teach you how to use difficult experiences in life as fuel towards achieving sustained success.

5. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 — Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves

IQ is great, but EQ appears to be a much more sought after by employers and appreciated more among social groups. I first read this book in 2015 after beginning my career and didn’t understand the importance of EQ much at the time. After reading this again 5 years later and studying various organizations and leaders, I’ve realized that EQ is essential. This book will show you how to increase your emotional intelligence and ultimately become more self aware. The book contains a free EQ test and it’s fun to see your scores change over time!

Your personal development journey can either begin or be strengthened and refined simply by picking up a book. Be intentional about the material that you consume, and watch how your life changes!

Take advantage of this time like no other to build yourself up. Be intentional about your days, consume positive and developmental material, and you will begin soaring to heights that you didn’t know existed.

The beauty about the personal growth journey and investing in yourself is that it never ends, and that’s a good thing! Once you start on the path, it becomes addicting and contagious. You will not only benefit yourself, but those around you will benefit and your efforts will compound. Get started!

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