The Perfectionist Quiz —Do You Have a “Perfect” Problem?

That Helpful Dad
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2018

In today’s article we’ll explore the crippling addiction known as “Perfectionism,” take a quiz to help you see how anxious this problem is making YOU, and talk about some wisdom tips that may help you overcome what’s holding you back from accomplishing what you always wanted to.

Editor’s note: This article is part of a series of life lessons that feature the wisdom of King Solomon.

Solomon’s 7th Commandment — Thou shalt not let the desire to be perfect stop you from achieving greatness.

The “Perfect” Problem?

Wouldn’t it be great if whatever we desired to do, we could be instantly perfect at it?

It’s a nice thought, but unfortunately it’s rarely our reality. Yet all too often we hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations.

How many times have you said, “If I can’t do something perfectly, then I’m not going to do it at all?”

I’ll admit I’ve been guilty of this more times than I can count; I’ll bet you have too. But if we’re being honest with ourselves, we know there’s a problem with perfectionism, right? Actually there are quite a number of problems — and the first one is that Fear of Perfection often makes us want to do nothing…

Fear of Perfection — Source Pixabay CCO

The Perfectionist Quiz

Let’s play 10 questions. What’s your honest answer to the following? (Be sure to keep track of how many times you answer “yes.”)

  1. Has the desire for perfection held you back from making meaningful progress towards your goals?
  2. How many times have you failed to even get started on your project because you were too busy seeking the elusive X-factor? (Where X is the perfect training course, the perfect investor, the perfect location, the perfect time, etc.)
  3. Have you sometimes been unwilling to try new tasks because you were afraid you might embarrass yourself in public?
  4. Have you let the need to be perfect before you showcase your work diminish the value of the skills you’ve already built?
  5. Have you forgotten History’s many examples of how ‘fortune favors the bold?” Do you remember the uncounted millions of nobody’s from history who merely dreamed of perfection but never actually did anything about it?
  6. Have you allowed the chase of perfection to put your focus on the wrong path?
  7. Are you pursuing what’s really unattainable, instead of consistently doing what you are capable of today and developing yourself over time?
  8. Have you failed to see that the path to perfection is but a mirage, while path to action could lead you to great things?
  9. Have you allowed the desire to be perfect to create unnecessary anxiety in your life?
  10. Is it more important for you to be perfect at something even if it means you may never finish it?

How did you do on the quiz?

If you answered “Yes” to more than 3 of these questions, then you may be letting perfection negatively impact your life and making you more anxious then you need to be. That’s a problem — but I’m sure you already knew that, right?

Good News: Solomon’s Wisdom Can Help You

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Did you know?

King Solomon recognized the dangers of trying to be perfect. He knew the illusion of waiting for external events to be just right.

Use these words of wisdom to overcome your Perfect Problem.

1. There is no Perfect Timing

Solomon said…

“If clouds are full of water, they pour rain…Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where it falls, there it will lie. Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Eccl 11: 3–4)

What’s My Take?
Don’t wait for things to be perfect, just get started and make the best of it.

2. There’s always an Excuse

Solomon warned us about letting fear control us from taking action…

“The sluggard says there is a lion outside! or I will be murdered in the streets!”(Proverbs 22:13)

What’s My Take?
You can always come up with an excuse, how about instead coming up with a reason to get moving?.

3. Those who DO…Win

Solomon reminded of the importance of hard work and it’s ability to overcome the talk of perfection.

“Hard work leads to profit, but mere talk only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23 (Prov 14:23)

What’s My Take?
Work brings results, talking doesn’t pay the bills.

4. Massive Action Overcomes Big Dreams

Solomon gave us a word of caution about spending too much time dreaming of perfection.

“Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore stand in awe of ACTION.” (Eccl 5:7)

What’s My Take?
You’ll never turn your dreams into a reality if you don’t take action.

What it is you want to achieve?

Whatever it is, don’t wait, DO SOMETHING to move forward — today.

You don’t need to be perfect.

You just need to Do.

The longer you wait the get started on your dreams, the farther away they will become — until eventually they may just fade away forever…like fading gossamer, floating away in the wind, to the place where perfection lies — both now beyond your reach.

But that doesn’t have to be you — because you have the power to do anything you set your mind to, and the first step, the most important step is…just GET STARTED.

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That Helpful Dad
The Startup

I’m Mike, “That Helpful Dad.” I share practical wisdom to real life problems. 3x Startup. 5x Books. Connect with me at