The Open Source Product Manager

The Product Management Capability Self Assessment

A self assessment approach to help product managers focus on the right development areas to elevate their personal growth.

Julian Connor
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 27, 2019


Image by Julian Connor

As we manage our careers it can be hard to know where to focus. Having a clear goal is important to motivate us and give us direction, but that is not enough on its own. It is important to also understand which core attributes we need to achieve our goal and to identify which we should focus on first.

For product managers, I believe there are six key attributes which are universally relevant regardless of company, industry or product. By taking the time to understand these attributes and assessing yourself-and the expectations on you-against them, where to focus becomes clearer.

The six key attributes of great product managers

  • Product and design insight
  • Impact and results
  • Strategy and leadership
  • Analytical fluency
  • Technical literacy
  • Communication and collaboration

What is involved in each one?



Julian Connor
The Startup

Product at Atlassian. Ex. SafetyCulture, Domain, Indeed & the Guardian. Recovering strategy consultant. @julianconnor on Twitter.