The Quickest Way To Make Money Off Web3 is to Build a Community

Onyedikachukwu Czar
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2022


Image Credit: Rokas Tenys on Shutterstock

The whole premise of Web3 is to give more earning power to creators; better than Web1 and Web2 did.

But regardless of the web generation, making money online usually come in either of two methods:

  • Method 1: earning directly from your audience.
  • Method 2: earning from a centralized platform.

What Web3 is gunning for is to move creators further away from method 2, and closer to method 1.

To make money via method 1 and live the Web3 ethos, you need to build a loyal community of audience who can invest in your content.

How community worked in Web 2

Web2 platforms started out allowing creators to use them to build an audience but provided very little support for those looking to make money.

During this era, there are two ways to make money:

  • Finding, negotiating, and making deals with brands to post sponsored content.
  • Linking to external sites, like Patreon or OnlyFans.

Cue the introduction of creator funds by YouTube, and then TikTok, and the game changed; creators are now paid by social apps for building a community of audience and driving engagement on the platforms.



Onyedikachukwu Czar
The Startup

I write: AI | Personal finance & growth | Tech. I sieve the noise and then share with you everything that's left.