The Real Reason Amazon Just Bought iRobot Is To Spy Deep Inside Your Home

Would you ditch your Roomba to get back your privacy?

Jano le Roux
The Startup


A living room of a modern home featuring a Roomba J7 and an Alexa Echo.
iRobot / Media Kit

Amazon’s iRobot acquisition is the biggest privacy disaster of the century.

If you own a Roomba, Amazon will likely be sweeping up more than just your dust.

According to iRobot’s CEO, your Roomba can already:

  • See inside your home
  • Monitor if you're around
  • Map your home’s floorplans
  • Collect data on your furniture

And these are just a few of the datapoints iRobot already has set up today.

But there’s an even bigger problem.

There are over 40 million Roombas already mapping people’s homes.

In other words, iRobot has one of the biggest home mapping datasets in the world. And if the acquisition goes through, Amazon gets to sweep through this intimate data.

The cheap $1.7B recession acquisition

Let’s be real, iRobot is worth way more than $1.7B.

But iRobot just reported a 30% revenue decline as it is starting to face fierce competition from every second tech brand who is seemingly…



Jano le Roux
The Startup

An award-winning marketing consultant who helps high-growth brands craft marketing that doesn’t feel like marketing. Open for work——Join me ⤵️