The Real Reason Nobody Is Subscribing to Your Newsletter

The truth you don’t want to admit

Eve Arnold
The Startup


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

A newsletter is the new LinkedIn profile.

Everyone, I mean everyone, is starting a newsletter. Why? Because people know that a healthy newsletter is a golden ticket to the big time.

The competition is fierce. Having a newsletter isn’t enough anymore. There are a million and one to choose from you have to give people a reason to pick yours. And it’s got to be a good reason.

Let’s look at how.

Here’s a reality check

First, let’s get something cleared up.

You’d think the fact that you are willing to spend your Saturday tapping away for 2 hours and send it out for free, would be enough.

You’d think that because people are paying nothing and getting so much value that you’d have a 100% open rate.

That you’d hit your targets every time.

That’s not the case. Not even close.

But the truth is, wanting to start a newsletter and providing value are just the entry criteria to the newsletter game.

The mindset to build if you’re starting a newsletter

