The Reason My Boss Got Fired Will Make You Hate Being an Employee

Why having a side hustle needs to be your number one priority.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by Karolina Grabowska

I was in that company for over a year. Our department was a brand new division that the CEO and director created to automate the common and repetitive tasks, so we freed employees to do more analytical assignments.

Our daily duties were to find what other employees were doing daily that was repetitive or manual and create an IT solution for that issue. In our first year there, we developed 35 solutions from the different teams in that company, and we saved more than 5000 hours of work per month.

Everything looked good in numbers, and we had good projections for the incoming years, but from one day to the other, my boss got fired, and everything changed about my security and perspective of a stable job.

My boss got fired simply because he did everything they asked them to do.

My boss was hired for one reason, to lead a team that would make the system developments and saves employees hours. During that year working there, he did exactly what he was hired for, and we made everything good as a team to meet the expectations.



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

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