The Reasons the Name ‘Moscow Mitch’ Has Stuck to Mitch McConnell

John Coble
The Startup
Published in
8 min readAug 24, 2019


Our nation will pay a terrible price if Mitch McConnell is reelected to the Senate.

Photo of the Kremlin and Saint Basil’s in Moscow
Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

Mitch McConnell was born about 5 miles from where I was born, twenty-four years before me. This is hard to believe since his McConnell’s actions in the Senate would lead one to expect that McConnell was born 5,400 miles (the distance from my hometown to Moscow) away and a couple of hundred years before me. McConnell’s behavior during his time in the Senate has been absolutely inexcusable.

McConnell’s Supreme Court Revenge

Early in his Senate career, McConnell showed his disdain for the norms of our Republic. In the late 1980s, President Reagan nominated Robert Bork to be a Supreme Court Justice. There were a few problems with this nomination. The most glaring problem in light of the nation’s current predicament was the fact that Robert Bork was the person at the Justice Department that followed Nixon’s order to fire Archibald Cox. Archibald Cox was the Watergate Special Prosecutor. Bork’s two superiors (the attorney general and the deputy attorney general) had resigned rather than follow Nixon’s obstructive order in that event now known as the Saturday Night Massacre. It was later learned from Bork’s memoirs that Nixon had promised Bork a place on the Supreme Court for his loyalty…



John Coble
The Startup

I am just your average everyday lawyer/coder/accountant/data scientist/blogger with a left-wing tilt.