The Right Way to Meet Your Marketing Goals

Stop reaching potential clients and start winning them.

Augustine Ojeh
The Startup


Photo by Will H McMahan on Unsplash

The essence of marketing goes beyond reaching out to potential customers and creating awareness. No matter how intelligent your strategy is, it is considered futile if it doesn’t convert. An effective marketing strategy must do more than create awareness. It should bring paying customers to the business.

For several months, I have gone around in circles marketing my services with no result until I adopted a new approach. Keeping it brief, I will describe how I made a smart switch to move from just creating awareness to converting clients.

Approach Goal-setting Differently

Everything starts with the desire to win more clients. Goals must be set to achieve these desires. Although tons have been written about proper goal setting approaches, anyone is liable to set their goals wrongly.

Usually, we would be asked to set our marketing goals realistically. We could be setting realistic goals in the wrong direction. For some time, I was setting marketing goals with a focus on how many people I can reach out to each week. I was sending hand-crafted notes to potential customers. I could guess those evidence of creative, hard work is resting in trash cans.



Augustine Ojeh
The Startup

Son. Husband. Dad. Co-founder. Friend. Building Roodi. Write what I think. Write what I know. And write what I do. Most times, I'm right. Sometimes, I'm not.