The Rise of the Indie Hackers

How a new breed of entrepreneurs is redrawing the path from idea to product

Jovan Cicmil
The Startup
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2021


Image Courtesy of Author

Remember when half of the tech world were startup founders and the other half were aspiring startup founders?

When startups became all the rage, they redefined how new companies are built. Terms such as product-market fit, idea validation, and growth hacking became part of the day-to-day English language. And who could forget the mom test?

The lean startup methodology took over the world, and for good reason. It gave up-and-coming entrepreneurs a framework to guide them from idea to first investment and beyond. But, a different mode of thinking has been brewing on the internet.

The world would be wise to take notice.

The startup assumptions

The traditional startup path was built on a couple of assumptions:

  1. You should fail fast and try again with a different idea. Failing fast means ruthlessly validating your idea by talking to people.
  2. After you validate an idea, you should seek an investment to help you with initial marketing and development.

Both of these assumptions have been struggling to maintain their validity recently.

