The Sales First Approach to Launching Startups

The Startup
Published in
5 min readApr 13, 2018


I failed a lot before I started making money in business. Once I started to succeed, even in small ways (like 2–10k profit) I noticed something: The businesses that worked did so FAST, whether the amount of money involved was small or large. The businesses that didn’t work limped like a zombie, eating up brain space until finally being buried.

Out of this realization came a growing practice I use to launch businesses. As I launch I keep refining and refining. The goal is to learn to be efficient. No wasted energy, no wasted hustle, just success without all the stress.

The fast hustle

Here’s the challenge: You have 2 weeks and $500 to make a sale. That means no prototypes, no complicated business plans, no nothing. You need to find the most basic and exact thing possible. Hit a need with just the right pitch you can get a “Yes” from nothing. It’s about hitting product/market fit basically day 1.

In some cases this might be truly impossible, so substitute the sale with some other crystal clear form of traction.

  • A partnership agreement or MOU, in writing.
  • Massive mailing list signups
  • Something active and tangible that requires investment.
  • Investment money

