The Seven (Free) Benefits of Failure

The secret why success always awaits at the end of failure

Lucien Lecarme
The Startup


Credits by Midjourney on Reddit

There are no circumstances, only state of mind.

Once, I worked in a startup in de C1 building in Dubai. One day, somebody jumped from the 21st floor. They cleaned everything up as fast as possible and pretended nothing had happened.

The jump was a crack in the belief that money buys happiness.

It made me think.

There is no essential difference between being a millionaire or being in the gutter.

You can be close to suicide in your five million mansion and feel free and on top of the world with your last $5,- in your pocket. The common thread is: You’re alive and gathering experiences that make you grow as a human.

When you struggle with failure, let me tell you this: You’re not alone. The whole of humanity is f*cking up big time.

We collectively lost it.

Like many others, you might be struggling in your mind, doubting your choices, and feeling stuck, like a failure. Like Me. After twelve years, my move to Ibiza feels like a complete failure from a career perspective.

I get you.



Lucien Lecarme
The Startup

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