The Shape of The Key Depends on The Lock

A bit of perspective into some truth I had to accept in my recovery process

Kyle Lakey
The Startup


I took this photo coming off Table Mountain down Platteklip Gorge. This damaged tree somehow finds the strength to split open a boulder and grow through it. Seems fitting.

The other day a dear friend dropped by with a really sad message. She came to me looking for advice, or some direction. It hurt my heart to feel the pain in her desperation. I won’t get into the specifics of her situation, but to give you some context, it was about someone we both care for. She was watching them spiral out of control and sink into substance abuse.

I've encountered this situation a few times during my journey in recovery. I am honored to be seen as the kind of light that is warm enough for people to approach in their dark times, and it means the world to me that people feel they can be vulnerable around me. I struggled with this after my relapse, after my first attempt at recovery. When I had to take on recovery for myself, without an ulterior influence, I had no one I felt I could open up to. My initial attempts at cleaning up were a series of trials and errors, mostly ending up in substance induced fits of ugly crying, followed by suicidal depression. So I’m glad I can be of some help to those in need.

Her question was “How did you get sober?” The truth is that I don’t have an answer to that. Not one that would fit the context of the question or shed any light on a way to fix the…



Kyle Lakey
The Startup

Just a silly goose experiencing the magic of the world with an open heart.