The Simple Act of Making Your Colleagues Coffee

Eamon L.
The Startup
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2020


Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

“I’m about to make a pot of coffee, does anybody want some?”

“Yes please!” one colleague calls out from behind me.

“Sure thing” calls out another.

“No thanks, I already had one on my drive in today” says a third as she flashes a quick smile before looking back at her screen full of emails.

Offering to make coffee. It’s such a simple act to do.

Place coffee grinds in a plunger. Fill with hot water. Let it steep for a few minutes. Plunge, and pour out a cup of delicious black caffeine. Each colleague has it differently. Some with sugar, some with cream. some like it black and others prefer to go downstairs for a frappe.

It’s a normal task for most office workers (or anyone who has a caffeine addicted workplace), most days I have taken it for granted. Of course that all changed when COVID-19 hit and New Zealand moved into lockdown for 5 weeks. We had to adapt to a world of virtual coffee catch-ups and Zoom lunch meetings. It was difficult to adjust, but we made it work.

As life in New Zealand has largely returned to normal, I’ve found that the simple acts we do for others is something I missed greatly. Holding the elevator door for someone rushing, carrying stationery to a meeting, and making the teams morning cup…



Eamon L.
The Startup

A young Kiwi professional writing about work, life, and the strange times we live in.