The Six Minute Guide To Making Things People Will Love

Bram Krommenhoek
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2018


What is the point of starting your startup?

Is it to make money?

Is it to be famous?

Is it to eventually get to a point where you don’t have to work anymore?

The answer to this should be no.

What’s the point of starting your startup, then?

The point is to solve a meaningful problem FOR OTHER PEOPLE.


Most startups aren’t successful because they fail to acknowledge this. Specifically, they want to build their technology based on their worldview.

Insert the Innovator’s Bias. Most of us come up with problems around our brilliant ideas, and then try to find just enough evidence to convince ourselves we’re on the correct path.

But how do you prevent the Innovator’s Bias from killing your startup?

Get to know their world

Steve Blank has worked on and founded eight startups, four of which have gone public. Moreover, he’s considered by many to be the top-tier of entrepreneurial masterminds.

Steve Blank has developed a method to help startups get towards more success. He calls it Customer Development. The principles…



Bram Krommenhoek
The Startup

Failed founder. I share my "Aha"s and "Oh shit"s. As seen in The Mission, The Startup,