The stories that stop you selling your creative work

Eight limiting beliefs that stop you from marketing your work well. And how to change them.

Sheryl Garratt
The Startup


Selling doesn’t have to be fake and cheesy. Photo from

Selling and marketing are skills.

Which means they can be learned. If you want to make money from your creative work, to have an impact with your writing, the things you make, you’ll need to investing time and energy into improving these skills.

Making marketing, selling, networking and audience-building a regular part of our work routines is the only way to end that familiar freelance feast-or-famine cycle. Or to turn your side-hustle into real income.

We all have limiting beliefs around self-promotion.

The stories we tell ourselves keep us safe — but also keep us small. They protect us from risk, rejection, doing difficult things. But they also stop us having the impact you could, earning a good living from our creative work, sharing what we’ve made with a wider audience, helping more people with the services we offer.

Here are the eight objections I hear most as a coach working with creative professionals. And how to change the thinking behind them.

1. “Selling is manipulative and…



Sheryl Garratt
The Startup

Writer; editor; coach, supporting creatives to step up and do their best work — and get paid for it! Find me at