The Ten Commandments for Working From Home

How to get more done and stay sane while WFH

Joshua VanDeBrake
The Startup


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

The Harsh Reality of Working From Home

In recent weeks, many of us have been turned away from our offices, told to “self-isolate” and “social distance.” Companies have quickly whipped up broad policies for working from home to allow employees to still get their jobs done.

Relegated to our dining tables, couches, and other makeshift home offices, we’ve been jolted out of our comfortable routine and some of us are really struggling with the shift.

If that sounds like you, you're not alone. Welcome to the club (possibly the world’s lamest “club”) of those struggling with the reality of working from home.

For those of us who’ve worked in an office, sharing the same physical space as our co-workers, the change is weird. But, as humans and as members of the modern workforce, we must learn to adapt to this change.

This isn’t some lame, regurgitated listicle of tips I’ve compiled from elsewhere on the internet. These are the principles that I’ve discovered through my own time working from home. These principles keep me productive, they keep me connected to my clients and coworkers, and, most importantly, they keep me sane.



Joshua VanDeBrake
The Startup

Passionate about Marketing, Startups, & VC. Full-Stack Marketer. Ambivert. Millennial.