The Trickle-Down Effect Of Bad Management

Sera Maddingly
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2019


How Good Employees Turn Into Terrible Employees.

“I don’t like who I’ve become,” a colleague said to me over a long conversation about ethics and responsibility on the job. “Agreed. I feel empty and drained too,” I responded. “Why do we care, why do we try when they [the managers and supervisors] don’t?” We both ask at nearly the same time.

It hurts when you feel you are the only one that gives a crap. You’re the only one keeping things together by a very thin thread and doing your best to keep clients happy while supervisors refuse to address the glaring issues brought to their attention. It makes you feel stupid. You don’t get paid enough for this crap. It makes you feel helpless. You get the responsibility but not the authority. It makes you feel lazy. Because you stop caring — eventually.

Eroding Your Resolve.

It may take months or years, but you do stop caring, even by just a fraction. We all have our emotional and physical limits. Little by little things slip through the cracks and you can’t force yourself, even with all your integrity, to care as much as you used to. You start to see yourself becoming what you fear — another bad employee.

This is the cancerous nature of bad management. The poor attitude trickles down, sometimes from the CEO, then…



Sera Maddingly
The Startup

Digital Creator | Author | Corgi Lover. I write my truth. I write my pain. I write whatever pokes at my Scanner mind.❤