The TRUTH About Tesla and Full Self Driving in the UK

and whether you should buy it

Lewis Gavin
The Startup


Tesla right hand drive Full self driving UK (source)

It’s the question on everyones mind when purchasing a Tesla. Should I buy the Full Self Driving (FSD) package?

I’ve owned my Tesla Model 3 with the Full Self Driving (FSD) package in the UK for almost a year and also watch a lot of Tesla YouTubers from the US (Notably Dirty Tesla) to get a good feel for differences in the US vs here in the UK.

This post will provide you with everything you need to know to make your decision and give you my thoughts at the end.

The Price

When purchasing a Tesla online and you hit the FSD add on page, you’ll be presented with a pretty steep add on price. This price changes fairly frequently however at the minute (August 2020) in the UK it sits at £6,800.

This unlocks features like Smart Summon, Navigate on Autopilot, Automatic Lane Changes and a bunch of other cool stuff that I’ll dive into later. The important thing to note is that it also means you get any new full self driving features as software updates, when they become available in the UK.

If someone told you that you’d get a car that can drive itself for an extra £6.8k, especially with the Model 3 start price for around £40k you’d rightly think it too good

