The Truth Why I Really Hate TV

You need to switch it off for a happy, productive life.

Lucy King
The Startup


Retro old television in front of vintage wall ©jakkapan

People are often surprised to know that I don’t own a TV.

The fact I don’t watch TV has made me a social misfit for most of my adult life.

It is not something on which I made a deliberate choice. Growing up the television was on in the background of my family life.

As a university student, I moved into a shared accommodation — that’s where I lost my viewing habit. This was pre-Internet, so I was not replacing TV with a laptop or iPad. The coolest technology back then was Sony Walkman.

Thinking back now, it seems bizarre I lost interest in television.

In truth, I hardly noticed the absence of TV in my life because I was busy with study and a part-time job. There may have been a rental TV in the living room, but I don’t recall if it was ever switched on.

Immersion therapy

When I moved to Japan I continued my minimalistic ways. My lack of interest in television perplexed my friends, in particular, my then boyfriend, Daisuke.

A few months into our relationship Daisuke surprised me with a huge TV set for my birthday. After my shock wore off, we…

