The Turtle Wins the Race in Writing

I am in no hurry to get anywhere as a writer. I’m already here.

Michelle Monet
The Startup


Photo by Nick Abrams on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the slogan, THE TURTLE WINS THE RACE but — what if there IS NO RACE?

What if we’re already fine right where we are — now?

I believe as writers we gotta pay our dues. There is no shortcut. I believe the turtle wins in the writing race.

Do you know of many great accomplishments that happened quickly? I’m sure there are some but I think most great things take time and patience.

I think especially for us writers, we must be in in for the long haul. If you want to become rich quick I think there are far better ways to do that. Go study to be a doctor, lawyer or become a ‘house flipper’?

I don’t expect any type of quick success I’d rather go the long scenic back roads route, as J.K. Rowling (?) She never took her eyes off the prize. That’s me.

Also, the greatest ‘prize’ to me is in the doing.

Back in 2016 I made a fun Bucket List goal for myself of writing/publishing one book a year. I am on my way. I know it is doable. I just finished my 6th book.



Michelle Monet
The Startup

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: