The Ultimate Guide to Integration Testing With Docker-Compose and SQL
Updated 9/5/2020
In the previous versions of this article, I’ve stated that theseed
container doesn’t have to wait for thedb
container. That turned out not to be the case. The article has been corrected. If you prefer looking at code — here’s a sample repo that uses everything described below.
Integration tests are hard
I’ve been toying with the idea of doing integration tests with docker-compose for a while and that time has finally come :)
This guide should apply to any application that is stateful, with a data store that can be dockerized (not Cosmos DB).
I want a one-script solution — no manual steps. It needs to run both locally and on the continuous integration server (Azure DevOps in my case).
The tests that I want to add are calling a node.js azure function that talks with MS SQL server and returning data from the database.
The Application
The application consists of two layers — azure function running node.js and MSSQL 2019 Server. There’s also some test data I want to push to the DB before tests are executed.
The issue
While adding docker-compose for an app is fairly easy, and there’s plenty of great guides and tutorials out there, docker-compose is not designed to be an orchestration tool for setting up the DB, then seeding it with data, starting the app, and executing tests. In production scenarios, applications should be resilient to any of its dependencies being not available, so integration testing is somewhat an edge case. We really just want the test to wait until everything is ready, execute, and give us the results.
Before I show you the solution — here are some great materials that I used to assemble this post.
The solution
The solution consists of 4 containers:
— MSSQL 2019 serverseed
— dotnet core 3.1 image that runs an app that creates schemas and pushes data based on
— Azure function apptests
— nodejs app running JEST tests againstfun
Directory structure:
├── Dockerfile
├── Sample.App.Database
│ ├──
│ ├── Migrations
│ │ ├── 20200814-000000-create-dbo-Contact.sql
│ │ └── 20200814-000000-data-dbo-Contact.sql
│ ├── Program.cs
│ ├──
│ ├── Sample.App.Database.csproj
│ ├── Sample.App.Database.sln
│ ├── Sample.App.Database.xml
│ ├── docker-compose.yml
│ └──
├── azure-pipelines.yml
├── docker-compose.override.yml
├── docker-compose.tests.yml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── host.json
├── jest.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── src
│ ├── api-contact-list
│ │ ├── function.json
│ │ └── index.js
│ ├── host.json
│ ├── local.settings.example.json
│ └── local.settings.json
├── test-report.xml
└── tests
├── integration
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── contact
│ │ └── getContactList.test.js
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
└── unit
└── contact
└── getContacts.test.js
I’ve extracted common properties and added it to .env
In production scenarios, I wouldn’t keep passwords in git repository, but this one is not really used anywhere — just internally for testing, so I think it’s fine. If you prefer not to use the .env
file, the same thing can be achieved with docker-compose override files, but you need to specify them explicitly like this:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up
The goal of docker-compose is to create containers in order:
- Create SQL Server (
) - When SQL is ready to accept connections — seed it with data (
) - When seeding starts — start the function app (
) - When seeding is done (container exits)— start the tests (
This docker-compose file is the base one — it can be used to run the function locally.
Integration tests are added in an override file — docker-compose.tests.yml
So what’s going on there? First, we create a network, so that we don’t interfere with any other SQL Servers running with the same port.
Next, the SQL server is described — db
container, just a standard empty server.
container depends on SQL to start, I’m using a wait-for-it script (not to confuse with the song from Hamilton). The script ensures that seeding doesn’t start before SQL is ready to accept connections.
2020-09-04 14:01:58.37 spid25s SQL Server is now ready for client connections. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
seed_1 | db:1433 is available after 8 seconds
The seed
is not that special — it just needs to know where the server is (db
is the hostname) and what are the credentials.
The next container is fun
— an azure functions custom build image, we pass in info on how to connect to SQL Server via environment variables.
The most interesting container is test
, it can use a custom image, but I decided to use a ready-image so it’s a little bit faster. The startup command is modified to ping seed
image in a loop, until it dies, before running the tests. That ensures tests are not executed before DB is seeded.
Running the tests
Thanks to the awesome work of Harrison Harnisch at, running the tests is extremely easy, just one shell script:
Continues Integration — Azure DevOps
In azure-pipelines.yml
- task: ShellScript@2 displayName: "Run integration tests" inputs: scriptPath: "./"
Azure functions Dockerfile
This would be a super simple definition if not for one thing — Azure functions require an authorization key that’s managed by Azure. When functions run locally — azure function core tools
handle that for us and skip authorization, but in the docker image that’s no longer the case.
Without a small but ugly hack, it’s impossible to run azure functions in the docker image.
The “hack” is in line 15 — if the build argument LOCAL
is set to true
, code copied to the image is modified and the authorization level is changed to anonymous.
Running this on Windows
When running this on windows you may face an issue with line endings — basically, the file copied from your windows OS has an additional line ending characters that Linux does not like. Here’s a good article explaining it.
A fix, that’s definitely not the prettiest, is to remove \r
before executing the script.
command: bash -c " sed -i 's/\r//g' && ./ db:1433 -- dotnet run DropAndDatabase"
You’ll find a working example in my github repo