The Ultimate Success Formula

Follow this formula, you will always win at the end.

Jacky Chen
The Startup


Photo by Roman Mager on Unsplash

“Success is a lousy teacher; it seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” — Bill Gates

I had always wanted to be rich and successful by running a big company growing up, but I was very confused; my sights were limited. The people around me were all securing themselves financially with a job; therefore, I didn’t know any better; I thought getting a job is the ultimate path to financial success.

Well, I was wrong. When I was 18 years old, I got into self-development and entrepreneurship, and I have learned that getting a job is not scalable, which means that your potential is limited within your organization.

You are also under the control of someone else, which means that you can’t entirely depend on yourself to reach your full potential, and that is also why more and more people today have started their side hustles.

I have read so many books with tons of step by step guides, but I had never seen a step by step guide on achieving success. “Is achieving success really a myth that only the lucky ones could find?” I thought to myself, and then I found this book called ‘Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny’ by Adam Khoo. It is not a…



Jacky Chen
The Startup

Everybody has their own unique stories, and here’s mine. Enjoy~