The Vaynerchuck Stage

Lights. Camera. Action.

Anna Bui
The Startup
4 min readAug 15, 2019


Public speaking is one of the most desired skill but the majority fear it. It’s arguably one of the most important skills we can develop in our lifetime and one of the very few skills that help us develop self awareness.

If you aren’t a natural public speaker, it can be terrifying. The nerves, the speech, the audience — it can be almost too overwhemling. It doesn’t even have to be on stage and infront of a large crowd. It could be a presentation for your company, a charity or even at your own wedding. There are many times in our lives where we need public speaking skills and what better than learning from the best.

If you haven’t yet, check out any keynote by Gary Vaynerchuck.

He’s a speaker that deserves admiration, not only because of the value of his content but because he’s challenging the status quo. If you’ve ever watched a keynote, you’ll see how he brings a raw authentic demeanor and radical candor on stage. It’s a very fresh and powerful presentation style that resonates with the audience long after it’s done. He makes it look easy, but it’s actually extraordinarliy difficult. This is one of his skills that I admire the most.

If you’re struggling or want to improve your public speaking skills, keep reading. Below are some tips from Gary himself.

Build your self-esteem

You might feel insecure about who you are, your skills or how you’re percieved, but ovecoming insecurity and developing self-confidence will turn you into a excellent presenter. Worry not, it’s something that most of us have had to overcome some time in our lifetime.

“Dive deep. When you have self esteem, you give yourself the audacity to dream big” — Gary Vaynerchuck

Self esteem is critical when you’re looking to become a great public speaker. You will need it for a powerful delivery. The most persuasive speakers in the world have undeniable confidence on stage and it create presence. Presence separates a good speaker from a great speaker.

“What tone are you going to set when you walk out on that stage? Let the audience know that this isn’t going to be a waste of their time, that you’re going to be unique and AWESOME” — Gary Vaynerchuck

When you’re confident, you can change the hearts and minds of your audience. It’s where you find your true voice and tap into your own power. When you’re speaking, energy is the game and bulding your self-esteem will allow you to become audacious and step into your own personality. This combination will leave your audience interested and more willing to engage.

“ I can get someone to consume something within the first 13 seconds, let alone 30 seconds because it’s not what I’m gonna say, it’s how I feel. See, words are great but energy’s a whole a different game and I win on that game.” — Gary Vaynerchuck

What you’ll notice when you watch any of Gary’s keynotes is that he’s different. The delivery, the message and his body language stands will stand out like a firecracker. This comes from a heighten sense of self awareness, confidence and audactiy. Gary knows how to play to his strengths to share his core values and beliefs in a very clear and articulate way. This combination builds a deep connection and engagement for the audience.

“ The way I prepare for a keynote is thinking about punching every audience member directly in the mouth. I look at the audience as my enemy, yet my child. There’s this wierd mix of loving them with all my heart and really wanting them to get the message. There’s a disprespect and a love. I’m literally like a boxer before hitting the ring” — Gary Vaynerchuck

Gary’s keynotes are experiential. He speaks directly to the audience, to each and every single memeber without reservation. Understanding your audience is a key factor to success and impact, and Gary talks a lot about this in his marketing videos. Providing context and empathy for the audience is his unparalleled strength because he truly understands consumer behavior and knows the audience on a deep level. This is key if you want to become an extremely influential speaker.


Delivering a powerful presention requires a high level of self awareness. Introverts and extroverts can deliver great presentations only when they’re aware of their strengths and weaknesses. It’s what separates you from other speakers. Your personality, tonality, body language — it’s your fingerprint.

“ It’d be stupid for me to sit infront of a computer all day, every day, and then that was just the way I rolled. Mistake, leaving the magic on the table.— Gary Vaynerchuck

This is a reason why Gary talks a lot of self awareness. It’s the foundation for everything you do, especially when it comes to public speaking. It all ties into understanding your personality what you can bet on. Whether you have a calm personality or are hyper energetic, you can use it to change and enhance your presentation style. What will ultimately help is developing empathy when crafting and delivering your presentation. Understanding your audience is imperative.

To learn more about empathy and how to understand your audience, check out Gary’s Youtube channel and subscribe to his podcast. Cheers~

