The very best company culture decks on the web

Bretton Putter
The Startup
Published in
13 min readJun 5, 2018

Culture Decks Decoded is now available on Amazon

Netflix kick started the online culture deck trend by posting their unique company culture deck online, as a means of communicating their culture to new and current employees, customers and partners. I don’t believe that Reed Hastings ever imagined how this 125 page document would resonate with the broader internet community — as of this writing this deck has been viewed over 17m times on Sildeshare and Sheryl Sandberg called it “probably the most important document ever to come out of the valley”.

There is no simple formula for creating great company culture, and you definitely can’t copy another company’s culture, but you can learn from how other companies have created a meaningful and effective culture deck.


  • eShares is managed like a professional sports team, not a startup or a company
  • Possible Health — we are transparent until it hurts
  • If we don’t create the thing that kills Facebook, someone else will.
  • Spotify — If vision is where you are going, culture is what makes sure you can get there
  • Valve — working overtime for extended periods indicates a fundamental failure in planning or communication.

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Netflix — The BIG DADDY of culture decks

Netflix Culture: Freedom & Responsibility

Seek Excellence: Our culture focuses on helping us achieve excellence

  • Values are what we value
  • High Performance
  • Freedom & Responsibility
  • Context, not Control
  • Highly aligned, Loosely Coupled
  • Pay Top of Market
  • Promotions & Development

Spotify: building a strong engineering culture

Culture is the stuff people do without noticing

If vision is where you are going, culture is what makes sure you can get there

A good culture isn’t the same thing as a good business though

Culture enables success but it does not cause success

What makes a good engineering culture

  • Stuff gets done
  • It gets done well
  • People are happy
  • Leaders provide direction and guidance and GET OUT OF THE WAY
  • Success is celebrated
  • Failure is used a s a way to learn

Valve employee handbook

Dedicated to the families of all Valve employees. Thank you for helping us make such an incredible place.

This book isn’t about fringe benefits or how to set up your workstation or where to find source code. Valve works in ways that might seem counterintuitive at first. This handbook is about the choices you’re going to be making and how to think about them. Mainly, it’s about how not to freak out now that you’re here.

Zappos Culture Deck

At Zappos our 10 Core Values are more than just words, they’re a way of life. We know that companies with a strong culture and a higher purpose perform better in the long run. As we continue to grow, we strive to ensure that our culture remains alive and well.

Core values

  • Deliver WOW Through Service
  • Embrace and Drive Change
  • Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
  • Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
  • Pursue Growth and Learning
  • Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
  • Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
  • Do More With Less
  • Be Passionate and Determined
  • Be Humble

Hootsuite’s Manifesto: Building a Social Revolution

Our vision is to revolutionize the customer journey via social

Our mission is to empower organizations to turn messages into meaningful relationships

Our culture: a passionate, egoless team having fun building something bigger than itself

Our team is:

  • Hardworking
  • Collaborative
  • Resourceful
  • Egoless
  • Innovative

How GitHub Used to Work

We want to get the best work from our employees. That happens when they are happy, fresh and creative.

  • Be a family company
  • Trust your employees
  • Communicate
  • Attention aware
  • Team-oriented
  • Minimal process
  • Hire the best

Buffer culture 0.6 (With a change to Be a No Ego Doer)

Powered by happiness

Culture is always a work in progress

Culture: what gives Buffer the best chance for progress of the product, happiness of users and team, and personal growth while part of the journey?

  • Choose positivity and happiness
  • Default to transparency
  • Have a focus on self-improvement
  • Be a “no ego” doer
  • Listen first, then listen more
  • Have a bias towards clarity
  • Make time to reflect
  • Live smarter, not harder
  • Show gratitude
  • Do the right thing

Hubspot Culture Code: Creating A Lovable Company

This document is part manifesto and part employee handbook. It’s part who we are and part who we aspire to be.

Culture is a set of shared beliefs, values and practices

Culture doesn’t just help attract amazing people, it amplifies their abilities and helps them do their best work

Culture happens, whether planned or not

Hubspot’s culture code is the operating system that powers the company

  • We commit maniacally to both our mission and our metrics
  • We look to the long-term and solve for the customer
  • We share openly and are remarkably transparent
  • We favor autonomy and take ownership
  • We believe our best perk is amazing people
  • We dare to be different and question the status quo
  • We recognise that life is short

The Asana Culture Code

A team of peers on a bold mission to help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly

  • Mindfulness
  • Equanimity (over suffering)
  • Aiming to maximize impact
  • Company as Collective of Peers
  • Investing in Ourselves, Each Other, and Efficiency
  • Trust in Judgement over Rules & Incentives
  • Pragmatic Craftsmanship
  • Egolessness
  • Balacing Reason and Intuition
  • Balancing or Integrating Opposites
  • Transparency by Default

Code as Craft: Building a Strong Engineering Culture at Etsy

Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game… it is the game

A strong culture can overcome almost any set of poor technical decisions. A weak culture can’t be saved by using the best technology. Culture is also what brings people to your company. It beats everything else.

The little book of Ideo

We wrote this to give you a sense of IDEO’s culture — the ties that bind us together as coworkers and as people. These are the values that get us there.

  • Be optimistic
  • Collaborate
  • Embrace ambiguity
  • Learn from failure
  • Make others successful
  • Take ownership
  • Talk less, do more

eShares Culture Deck

  • eShares is managed like a professional sports team, not a startup or a company
  • Show up on time. Every day. We start at 8:30am
  • Practice get better
  • No titles just positions
  • Teams are limited to 8
  • We operate in public for everyone to see
  • Success is a grind
  • We are software people, even if you are not an engineer

Runway East

These are our values — we give them to every new employee on day one, and we ask our members to always hold us to them.

  • Client First
  • Give a damn
  • We’re open
  • Entrepreneurial

The Motley Fool Culture Code

  • Create a culture of trust
  • Live core values
  • Be intentional
  • Enhance hiring practices
  • Focus on high performers
  • Foster a culture of learning
  • Give frequent feedback
  • Model from the top
  • Make it transparent
  • Have fun

LinkedIn’s Culture Transformation

It’s who we are and who we aspire to be

Our culture is the collective personality of our organization

  • Transformation
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration
  • Humor
  • Results

Handy Culture Deck

Our mission is to deliver an amazing service experience to everyone by consistently delighting and empowering people around the world

The 8 things we believe at Handy

  • Embrace challenges
  • Support smart & passionate people
  • Today not tomorrow
  • Build for love
  • Growth always
  • Data beats opinion
  • Do more with less
  • Enjoy the journey

Dell #CultureCode: What we believe. How we work. How we lead

Our culture matters in how we run the business, how we go to market, and how we lead each other. It describes what we care about, the things in which we’re willing to invest and the rules that define us as a team. Our culture is the foundation of success for Dell Technologies.

Soundstripe Culture Deck 2017

Our mission is to keep creatives creating

  • Provide all customers with genuine and whimsical care
  • Confront harsh realities with optimism
  • Keep it light
  • Always strive to grow and learn
  • Develop and practise honest communication
  • Make it better
  • Date the model, marry the mission
  • Be humble and retain a giving and serving heart and mind
  • Quality over quantity
  • Done is better than perfect

‍Patreon Culture Deck

We have two missions

  1. Fund the emerging creative class
  2. Create a company where teammates build fulfilling lives
  • Put creators first
  • Be an energy giver
  • Be candid, always
  • Move fast as hell
  • Seek learning
  • Respect team member’s time
  • Just fit it

We are Ometrians

Our mission is to be the brain that powers all communication between retailers and their customers

  • We love to learn & teach
  • Everything we do is data driven
  • We deliver first, gain second
  • We are always polite & positive
  • We are honest and open
  • We have unwavering respect for our customer’s data
  • We never compromise
  • We totally trust each other
  • We win together

Nordstrom Technology Culture Deck

We have one rule: Use good judgement in all situations

We want to hold true to our history, but we think it’s time to explicitly share what we think differentiates our Technology team compared to other tech companies

Our culture is a differentiator… It’s important because it meets our #1 priority: customer service!

NORDNA — Creating the most inspiring workplace where we enable talented people to provide amazing customer experiences

We are skilled, passionate action-oriented people who foster a culture to differentiate ourselves

  • Top talent
  • Meaningful work
  • Empathy
  • Empowerment
  • Collaboration

Skimlinks Culture Book


  • Sparkle
  • Kick Ass
  • Inventive
  • Master of our domain
  • Likeable
  • Open minded
  • Vocal
  • Entrepreneurial

GoDaddy Culture Deck

VISION: We will radically shift the global economy toward small business by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures.

  • Be extraordinary
  • Own outcomes
  • Join Forces
  • Work fearlessly
  • Live passionately

We can change the world

Facebook Little Red Book

  • Changing how people communicate will always change the world
  • 6 months or 30 years
  • Hacking can be playful as long as it works
  • Greatness and comfort rarely coexist
  • The quick shall inherit the earth
  • When you don’t realise what you cant do, you can do some pretty cool stuff
  • Remember people don’t use Facebook because they like us, they use Facebook because they like their friends
  • We don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services
  • If we don’t create the thing that kills Facebook, someone else will.

Mindvalley Culture Deck

We are here because of our why

We really like personality

We are Brule Breakers

We operate by a code. An awesome code.

We celebrate our awesomeness weekly

Happiness is the new productivity

Our personal growth matters as much as our customers

We work in playgrounds


  • Dare to dream big
  • Evolve through learning
  • Are positive & passionate
  • Practice transparency & candor
  • Help others rock their greatest lives
  • Tuen customers into raving fans
  • Are greatful and celebrate life
  • Kick serious ass
  • Are money magnets
  • Honour our words with actions

360 Incentives Culture Year Book

Our commitments for:

  • our clients — an unbelievable experience
  • our employees — an unbelievable work place
  • the world — to make a difference


  • Live in the possible
  • Don’t find fault, find a remedy
  • Be real and have fun
  • It’s not what we say, it’s what we do

Acceleration Partners Culture Deck

Core values:

  • Own it
  • Embrace relationships
  • Excel and improve

Operating principles

  • A bias towards action
  • Bring solutions
  • Work smarter
  • Be present
  • Encourage autonomy, trust & transparency
  • Be a genuine partner (no jerks)
  • Have a growth mindset
  • Be fanatical about feedback
  • Enjoy competing
  • Keep moving forward
  • Be resilient
  • Bring purpose

‍Big Space Ship Culture Deck

The 4 principles

  • Take care of each other
  • Collaborate inside and out
  • Speak up (no silent disagreement)
  • Produce amazing work

To avoid robot speak, follow these simple rules

  1. Pretend you are talking to your mom
  2. Dont be afraid to ask
  3. Get on the same page

‍Nanigans Culture Deck

People at Nanigans

  • Willing
  • Invested
  • Impressive
  • Unfiltered
  • Caring
  • Fun

Shared experiences at Nanigans

  • Work hard, play hard
  • Fast paced
  • Collaborative
  • Transparent
  • Ownership
  • Comradery

DoSomething Culture Deck

11 reasons to work at DoSomething

  • We’ve got history
  • We have kickass staff
  • We love our interns
  • We work hard, but play harder
  • We have a cool crib
  • We’re around the world
  • We get around
  • We make campaigns that are big, loud and easy
  • We have the inside scoop
  • We know all the cool people
  • We’re hip and with it

Possible Culture Deck

In everything we do we believe it’s possible to deliver high=quality low-cost healthcare to the world’s poor

‍We will continue to update this list of company culture decks, so if you have a deck, manifesto or handbook that you would like to add to our resources page and this blog, drop us a line.


I will be publishing Culture Decks Decoded later this month. As the name suggests Culture Decks Decoded decodes how companies leverage their culture decks. You can download a preview here.

In this book I analyse how Netflix, LinkedIn, Hubspot, Hootsuite, Valve and Patreon, amongst others, use their culture decks to:

  • Differentiate from the competition.
  • Attract, recruit, and retain A+ talent.
  • Explain what gets an employee hired, promoted, or fired.
  • Communicate the culture, mission, vision, values, and expected
  • behaviors of the company.
  • Illuminate how employees can make a difference, and fulfil their
  • potential.
  • Answer the fundamental questions that potential employees may have
  • about how the business operates.

During my interviews and conversations with hundreds of founders and CEOs about their culture and one of the areas I explored during these interviews was how they had gone about creating their company’s culture decks. There are two main reasons why culture decks are hard to do: firstly, there are lots of culture decks available online but no overarching document that explains what an effective culture deck is, and what it should cover; and second, that very few people have the time to research all of the different decks to learn how others have structured and written theirs. I have written *Culture Decks Decoded* to solve both these problems.

I am in the final stages of the book cover and interior design at the moment and while that process is underway I thought I would share a (rough) version.

Also check out the CultureGene culture resource, which is a collection of over 150 of the best blogs, podcasts, videos, decks and books about company culture.

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