The White Male Celeb Must Be a Sensitive Lot

Allyship Till It’s Your Friend—Then It’s “Bigger Issues”

The Startup


Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

2020 is the premiere year for exposing all the problematic MAGA hat-wearing, “a little Republican” lying, “play a tree” foolishness of celebrities. I’m truly interested in seeing a compiled list of all the people who showed their true colors in 2020, because that list is long and diverse.

But this is about Chris Pratt, and the ludicrous need to show him support on social media because…he’s the least favorite Chris.

It started so simple. This isn’t the first poll about the celeb Chrises, but times are different and we know more about some of these celebrities.

That being the case, the overwhelming majority of people announced on twitter that they would—happily—chuck Chris Pratt aside. The reasons varied. Some just like him the least. But the majority dislike Chris Pratt because of both his political and religious affiliations. Though no one knows if he’s a trump supporter he does follow certain right-wing and conservative twitter accounts…



The Startup

Black/Puerto Rican creative non-binary. Spouts nonsense that occasionally makes sense. they/them