There Is One Thing In Life You Will Regret Not Doing

Living an “okay” life is not the one you will be proud of

Lily Sannikova
The Startup
4 min readNov 6, 2019


Photo: Pixabay Images

We are so conditioned to conform, to follow the rules of the society, to be someone we are expected to become by a certain age, and to do certain things in the “right way”. This discourages us from fulfilling and exploring our true potential. It prevents us from following our hearts and listening to our inner voices that really hold all of the answers.

The problem is, that we often choose to follow an easier, more practical path because it is safe and less risky.

We settle for okay jobs, okay relationships, okay hobbies — something easy and often too familiar. However, okay is not something inspiring, powerful, or awakening. With okay you won’t taste all of the beauty of life, its thrilling corners and mind-blowing twists.

By living an okay life we end up wasting our time, doing things that don’t challenge us, and even drag us down, living the life that doesn’t fulfill our potential.

We are so caught up in climbing the ladder to achieve “greater” things, which we think, should supposedly make us happy. But we have to realize that life is not about seeking acceptance and validation by others. It is not about a race to get more money and fame. We are so obsessed with reaching invisible deadlines, that we forget about the real goal in life, and end up missing on life altogether. We even forget why we started chasing the wrong things in the first place.

The real goal in life is to follow your passions, which means chasing something that deeply inspires you and sets your soul of fire. Finding your passion will never be about searching for it in your next pay-check or the number in your bank account.

True passion will be found within you when you start paying greater attention to what you are drawn into and what makes you light up from the inside out.

Be brave enough to start listening more closely to your inner voice as it will direct you towards your passion. Don’t ignore the things that consume you and awaken your spirit, as they serve as a guide towards finding your purpose.

We all have geniuses inside of us, created in our own unique way with so much potential. But somehow, we do not trust enough in ourselves to see how much we are capable of and what we can achieve if we only put our hearts and action into it.

In what way are you living your life? Are you playing it safe by taking a paved road to have a sense of predictability and comfort? Or are you going to risk the unknown and explore endless possibilities and unlimited ways of bettering yourself?

Be honest with yourself. Are you really living the life you are proud of?

It is never too late to start over. Sometimes things in life have to go wrong until they go right, giving you space for change and growth. Keep on moving and never quit. Dream big and don’t be scared to challenge your limits. And most importantly, follow your passion as it will lead you to your most authentic self and will serve as a guide towards your purpose.

There will be many obstacles, fears and rejections that you will face along the way while trying to figure yourself out. You will be confronted with self-doubts and insecurities, and experience moments that will make you feel small, making you think that you are not good enough. Sometimes you will lose track of your journey and feel a little bit lost. And you will wonder whether you will ever find out what you are here for.

Life is an exciting and unpredictable journey, filled with self-growth and bitter-sweet lessons that constantly alter your reality. But the price of not following your heart and your passions is ending up regretting and wishing your entire life that you did.

“The two important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you will find out why” — Mark Twain

So set yourself on the journey to find and follow your passion that will challenge you, allowing you to explore your limits — and you will start start getting closer to where you are supposed to be. You just have to believe in yourself and trust the process.

You will start to thrive once you focus on doing something that resonates with your core and what makes you truly happy. Once you follow your passion and commit yourself to something that you truly believe in, you will start living through each moment with a feeling of joy and contentment.

You have an entire unexplored universe inside yourself and there will be no limit how radiant your life could be if you live it by seeking things that set your soul on fire.

Start living today the life you want to have tomorrow.



Lily Sannikova
The Startup

Living passionately and stopping along the way to write down a bunch of thoughts.