These 3 Boring Income Streams Earn Me $5k/Month From Writing

Exciting =/= profitable.

Zulie Rane
The Startup


woman with headphones on snoozes in front of her desk.
Photo from Andrea Picquardio via Pexels.

I wish I could say that Instagram product sponsorships or my YouTube videos earn me the most money. Those are definitely the most fun and glamorous for me. But my Instagram following is humble, and my YouTube channel is small.

Instead, a large portion of my income comes from three boring writing income streams. Many writers will say they don’t want to give up on their writing dreams to make money. Many will say they don’t want to sell anything, they just want to write beautiful prose and earn money that way.

That’s very hard to do unless you’re Roxane Gay, and I suspect even she does work that just pays the bills sometimes.

True passive income for writers is rare, and even more rare is passive income for freelance writers. Most of our work is active.

Instead, I recommend you find boring but doable writing income streams and use the rest of your time on your unprofitable passion. These three writing income streams make me $5k/month, allowing me to make a living writing online.

Writing Income Stream 1: Content writing.

What is content writing? It’s when you create content (or write it in my case) for a targeted audience…



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.