These Five Kickstarter Campaigns Sold Like Hotcakes

Learn from their success stories.

Kevin Buddaeus
The Startup


photo credit: Bermix Studio

I bet, somewhere in your head lingers an idea. Maybe it’s a piece of software that could help you in your daily work. But you’re no programmer. So the idea just sits there, slowly drifting into the dark corners of your mind.

Many people have great ideas, but only a few act on them. And those few are the ones reaping the big rewards.

Some might think their idea is implausible or too much effort. Others might be stuck in a mediocre job that barely pays the bills. They lack the funds to break out of that cycle and invest the time and money into their idea.

Crowdfunding with Kickstarter can help you over that hump.

Kickstarter is a great place to realize your inventive idea if you lack the resources to get started. Since its founding in 2009, it has become one of the biggest platforms for kickstarting careers, projects, and new products and services. With more than 187,000 funded projects, backers on Kickstarter have pledged a total amount of over $5.3 billion. It dominates the crowdfunding market and serves as a gateway to allow creative ideas and projects of all shapes and sizes to come to life.



Kevin Buddaeus
The Startup

Follow me on this long journey to grow and learn together. We can make the world a better place. Connect with me via Twitter: @KBuddaeus