These Five Tweaks Will Help You Grow Your Newsletter

Running a newsletter is another opportunity to provide value at scale so make sure you do it right

Eva Keiffenheim
The Startup


Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst

“You have to start collecting emails today,” Sinem Günel told me in one of our first coaching sessions.

I had just published my first article, and asking my 7 readers to sign up for a non-existing newsletter seemed hilarious.

But Sinem insisted: “Now is the right time to start one. If you’re trying to make money online, your email list is one of your biggest assets.”

A year and 1K+ subscribers later, I know she was right. Platforms change. Emails don’t. Your follower’s email address is their most permanent online identity.

Whether you run a newsletter or are about to start one — the following tips will accelerate your newsletter's growth.

1) Build a High-Converting Newsletter Landing Page

Many creators rely on their e-mail provider’s pre-built landing pages. But by sticking to the default option, their newsletter looks like any other. Potential subscribers might bounce off.

Take a look at these two landing page examples. For Daily Writing Habits, Nicolas Cole used the default Substack…



Eva Keiffenheim
The Startup

Learning expert & TEDx speaker with 5M+ reads l Co-creating a better world, one narrative at a time. Get your free learning tools