These Unexpected Lessons Helped Me Build a Successful and Satisfying Writing Career

It’s the advice I didn’t take that turned out to be the difference

Polly Campbell
The Startup


Photo by Nadir Syzygy

Joanne called from New York.

In the days before text and email were standard practices and long before editors from big-time magazines were calling me, I was sending out queries with self-addressed stamped envelopes enclosed. If you saw one of those in your mailbox, you knew it was a rejection without opening the envelope.

But today no envelope. Today, Joanne, an editor from New York was calling me with an assignment.

“This is a great idea,” she said. “We want this for our Thanksgiving issue.”

I punched the air with my fist. Heard the editor say stuff about rights and the contract — “it’s in the mail” — but my mind was buzzing and I was having a hard time staying focused.

I was thinking about how this article would appear in a magazine my mom would see. One she could buy off the checkstand display case. One she could show to her friends proving that her eldest did in fact have a “real job.”

This was a big-time assignment. And, the $1.50 per word rate would cover my rent for more than a month.



Polly Campbell
The Startup

Simply Write w/Polly Campbell podcast,, books and articles about well-being, psychology, mindset, success, resilience, writing.