Things You Need To Keep Asking Your Boss

Five questions to keep asking if you want to add value.

Austin Walker
The Startup


Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

Repetition can be a beautiful thing. Hopefully, your boss is asking you questions regularly. If your boss has the heart of a teacher and the wiring of a coach, he or she is asking you questions about your approach, your performance, your dreams, and more. For you to grow in your capacity as a leader, questions cannot be a one-way street. I have come to realize there are a few things I need to repeatedly ask if I hope to grow in my organization and continue to add value to our teams.

When it comes to coaching the people I lead, I have a few “on hand” questions I ask regularly that serve as a conversation starter in one on one meetings. More often than not, I only make it through a few of them before we are off to the races, but a set list is helpful to provide a framework for development.

It also helps to bring predictability to our meetings. For those who have noticed the pattern, they know a few things I am always going to ask, and can come prepared. If you’re looking…



Austin Walker
The Startup

Executive Coach at Novus Global We help the best leaders on Earth clarify their vision, see how they're getting in their own way and get more done in less time.