Money Comes From Mindset — How to “Think and Grow Rich”

Aaryan Harshith
The Startup
Published in
6 min readDec 7, 2019


Image courtesy of Fred Collins

I f you’ve dabbled in the world of self-improvement and wealth-building books, chances are you’ve probably heard of Napoleon Hill’s smash-hit book ‘Think and Grow Rich’.

Millions see Hill’s creation as one of the most sacred scriptures in this field — there are even religions entirely dedicated to the worship of its text, and many say it formed the basis of all other finance books that came after it.

No matter how absurd that idea sounds, Think and Grow Rich is the quintessential piece to read for anyone serious about taking control of their lives and working towards their end goals.

Written in the 1930s, ‘Think and Grow Rich’ has literally attracted a cult-like following

‘Think and Grow Rich’ is essentially the culminating work of Napoleon Hill — a man who dedicated more than 25 years of his life to studying the most successful people of his time, such as Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, and John D. Rockefeller, the richest man to ever walk the face of this Earth (yes, even wealthier than Bezos).

While even Hill said that everyone finds a unique meaning in his book, the intentional obedience of its main principles will ultimately lead to success at almost any goal you wish to attain. Of course…

