Think You Want A Boring Job?

Sera Maddingly
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2019


It’s great at first until you realize you’ve wasted some great years with zero progress.

“Wouldn’t it be great if you could get paid for sitting on your butt, doing practically nothing?”

How many times have you heard someone say this?

How many times have you said this?

I’ve said it too, many times over when I was miserable at a job that wasn’t for me. A boring job would at least not leave me drained and tired at the end of every day, right? I could clock in and clock out and doing the basics was expected — the only thing expected.

Yeah… not so much.

Sounds like paradise to you, does it?

I would pause a second before you do something crazy and rub a genie’s lamp for that coveted easy-street job.

I got my wish granted. I got that job that was easy as pie. The job where the workload was only enough for a part-time position but due to “reasons” a full-time position was needed instead.

I got that job that probably thousands of people only dreamed of where I got paid to sit on my butt and play on the internet 90–95% of the workday for five days a week. No, it doesn’t make what is considered “a lot” of money by…



Sera Maddingly
The Startup

Digital Creator | Author | Corgi Lover. I write my truth. I write my pain. I write whatever pokes at my Scanner mind.❤