This Company Crushed The Record For The Most Money Raised On Kickstarter — Over $32.4M

John Greathouse
6 min readSep 4, 2019


A version of this article previously appeared in Forbes.

Peak Design closed its ninth Kickstarter campaign on July 18, 2019, generating $12,142,148 from 27,165 backers, averaging an impressive $447 per backer. Once Peak Design fulfills these orders, it will be the largest fully executed Kickstarter campaign of all time. You may recall that Pebble failed to deliver on its infamous Kickstarter, in which backers pledged over $20 million, but the company never shipped its promised product. To date, Peak Design’s nine campaigns have generated $32,375,576 from 122,413 non-unique backers (some people have backed multiple campaigns), making it the most successful company on Kickstarter.

Peak Design began life in the Spring of 2011, when the company’s Founder and CEO Peter Dering designed a clip that allows photographers to conveniently attach their cameras on any backpack strap, belt or bag. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Peter decided to build his company around the wisdom of the crowd and launch each of his new products via crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding As A Business Model

Crowdsourcing has been around for over ten years, long enough for companies to create strategies that go beyond simply hitting up strangers for a one-off funding event. The various platforms have also matured, focusing on distinct audiences.

For instance, Kickstarter is a public benefit corporation, with a mission to, “help bring creative projects to life.” Its goal is to facilitate the creative process by helping, “artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators.” In contrast, Indiegogo targets raising funds for entrepreneurs, stating on its website, “With Indiegogo, you have the opportunity to support entrepreneurs and new technology from the earliest stages of development.”

Having recently written about The Final Straw and The Go Chair, two highly successful crowdfunding launches, I was intrigued with Peak Design’s serial success on a platform that was design to provide businesses with an initial “kick start.” Thus, I reached out to Peter to better understand his strategy and to discover how other entrepreneurs might benefit from his crowdfunding experiences.

John Greathouse: Peter, thanks for taking the time. Let’s begin with your point of view regarding the leading crowdfunding platforms. Peak Design seems to exclusively utilize Kickstarter. What makes this your platform of choice? Have you used other platforms in the past? If not, why not?

Peter Dering: Kickstarter is the undisputed leader in crowdfunding. The platform they have built is authentic, robust, and shies away from being overly commercial. It remains true to the original ambitions that Perry Chen, Charles Adler, and Yancey Strickler had when they created Kickstarter. It’s our respect for the platform, as well as the massive following that we’ve created there, that preclude us from going elsewhere to crowdfund our products and company.

Greathouse: How would your product discovery / development process be different if you didn’t rely on crowdfunding?

Dering: Without crowdfunding our products would have to be completely baked by the time we revealed them. That means that you can’t react to changes that the crowd helps you better understand. It also means that launches would get pushed out further, which is a crunch on cash flow.

The ability to crowdfunding allows us to turn our ideas into receivable cash much quicker, and that is absolutely massive for a business. We’d also lose the opportunity to connect with our customers and remind them that we’re real people. Our backers feel a familiarity with Peak Design and crowdfunding is the central pillar that supports that.

John: What are the characteristics of a company or product that is ill-suited to a successful crowdfunding campaign? How often do you tell entrepreneurs, “Don’t crowdfund that, it won’t work.”

Dering: It’s hard to predict what the crowd might latch onto, so I never advise against crowdfunding. However, what I do advise is thinking strategically about pricing.

For a successful Kickstarter campaign, your product can’t be too expensive. I feel like we’re really pushing the limits with our carbon fiber Tripod. The only reason we are able to get away with people throwing down $480 is because we have successfully delivered eight other campaigns. For new companies getting into crowdfunding, thinking strategically about pricing around a premium product is crucial.

I also think that people forget that part of doing crowdfunding is the ability to extend a discount to customers willing to take a crack at being early adopters. This is indicative of the fact that people want and expect to get something for their money for crowdfunding… it’s not altruism. If you’re not offering something cool, or something that people want… it probably won’t be very successful.

Crowd Recruiting

Greathouse: It seems like crowdfunding has even impacted your employee recruiting process. Can you describe a couple key hires that you sourced from the “crowd?”

Dering: There’s both the figurative, and the literal sense of this. Figuratively, almost all of Peak Design’s notoriety has been an extension of crowdfunding. And most of our hires have come from people seeking us out. And then there’s Adam Hicks… A guy who lives in Scotland and was so effective at answering customer’s questions on our Kickstarter campaign, that we decided to give him a full-time job. He started out doing customer service, and now he runs our entire Amazon channel, which has been massively successful. Job applications at Peak Design spike during campaigns.

Greathouse: Have you seen situations when the wisdom of the crowd breaks down and leads to sub-optimal decisions in product development?

Dering: The crowd can certainly offer wisdom. However, a noisy few can make issues seem as if they’re bigger than they actually are. And because we really care, it’s sometimes tough to tell when something is a real issue, or just the squeaky wheels trying to get all the grease they can. We try our best to put ourselves in our customers’ shoes and internalize all the feedback we receive. Is the complaint real? Is it worth addressing? Is it worth delaying the product launch? Is it worth the additional cost? Do we pass along the cost? All these business decisions need to be weighed. If we reacted to every piece of feedback with a design change, we’d be chasing our tails forever.

Crowdfunding’s Future

Greathouse: How will crowdfunding differ five years from now?

Dering: That’s an interesting question. Considering how rapidly the Internet tends to change things, we’ve seen a remarkable consistency in how crowdfunding has treated us over the years. This suggests to me that it’s a relatively mature industry. I don’t think huge businesses are going to start adopting it, nor do I think it will fall out of favor for businesses our size. Most people have heard of crowdfunding and/or Kickstarter by now, and the level of adoption seems to be somewhat plateauing. Perhaps I’m naive to suggest it won’t change much between now and five years, but that’s my best guess.

Greathouse: Crowdfunding is still relatively rare in some developed countries. Government regulations aside, do you think there are inherent reasons why it has been successful in the US and less so in some other developed countries?

Dering: I’d say it comes down to language, and logistics. We’ve gotten pretty good at international fulfillment, but it’s not an easy nut to crack. Customs and duties are tricky, and shipping costs can get very expensive if you don’t know how to solve these problems. When it comes to language, we do really well in most English-speaking countries. However, adoption is considerably less on Kickstarter when selling into Asian markets, even the ones that perform well with our distributors.

Follow John’s startup Twitter feed here: @JohnGreathouse. You can also check out his startup advice blog HERE.



John Greathouse

I write primarily for Forbes — published by The Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, TechCrunch, Business Insider, etc. I sporadically post to Medium…