This Does Not Work on LinkedIn Anymore

5 things that have become overused on LinkedIn.

Ivona Hirschi
The Startup


Photo by Darya Sannikova

LinkedIn has shown who is the boss in the past few weeks.

Views and engagement are down. What a disaster!

People who were used to receiving thousands of free views began to wonder. What was happening? My friends with 40,000+ followers were discussing vividly why they had only 500 views now. Panic!

We might be entering a new LinkedIn era. These cheap strategies won’t work anymore.

1. Stock photos

LinkedIn is a classic scroll-stop-scroll platform. Most people go there to browse what their former colleagues do or what is trending in their ‘field bubble’.

In the past years, content creators have started using stock photos to make users stop and read their hook.

You can see posts and videos like these:

Screenshot from LinkedIn posts

The problem with them is that they are no longer interesting. You need to put more effort into your visuals to make a person stop.

