This is how I got here — in Summary.

Ronald Streeter
4 min readDec 24, 2019


My life has been more full of difficulties than I suspect many peoples.

They have employed me in 35 jobs, self-employed for 20 years and this year I celebrated my 77 birthday.

So in all this time I also fitted in three marriages and one divorce and sadly one wife who died.

Where I came from.

I was born in Bristol England the eldest of 4 children, my elder brother died when he was two so I never knew him. My parents were not well off, Dad was a postman, or mail-man if you are in America. My mother was a window dresser in lady 's dress shop. This was after World War 2, so wages were low and life was hard.

I always loved books and read from the age of three, so my mother told me. I read everything. Books, newspapers, leaflets, and even the labels of food packaging!

When I went to school at 5, I was a voracious reader. In fact, I read every book in the school library in my 2 years there.

School for me was a magic place. I loved to learn and unlike most of my fellow students; I paid attention to my teachers and did my homework happily. So I became the top of the class and unfortunately I was disliked by most of my classmates because they had me to follow.

So although I enjoyed learning, I had a lonely time. Because I had no friends, right through all my years in school.

Because I studied so hard I achieved a record number of passes at what was then “O Levels”. these were taken at 16. I was qualified to go to university, but due to our financial situation, I could not go. I was very upset, but I have a very resilient character, so I found a job and got on with my life.

Working Life

As I mentioned in the introduction, I had many jobs. My asset and my challenge is that have the mind of a grasshopper. So I hop from job to job because I became bored and hoped there would be something better in another place.

A summary of my jobs over the first 10 years is:

Dispenser/photographer assistant in a Chemist Shop

Photographer in the Royal Air Force

Trainee Navigator in the Royal Air Force — I had to leave on medical grounds.

Manager of a Shoe Shop

Assistant Manager in an office

Booking Clerk on London Underground

Telex Operator at the Post Office

Assistant Manager at a supermarket

These were the main ones and the average time at each was only 15 months. What a record!

Then I passed the Civil Service Entrance Examination. I felt at home here in the VAT Division. I had a lot to learn, and I loved it and then I had to teach all the traders in my area how VAT would work. I discovered I loved to teach people so that became my life.

I moved to the computer division as a computer operator. Quality consultant and then a full-time lecturer at the training department. Here I trained Systems Analysts, Project Manager, and Managers in using computers. This was in the 1980s so computers were a new thing to almost all.

I was promoted and sent to the Civil Service College at Sunningdale. I had three great years there. When I was approached to take up a post with a German company by one of my previous managers. I thought it was a great opportunity, but this was a major change in my life.

Two years later my entire department was made redundant as the new MD didn’t want training as part of his company. But dame fortune I smiled on me. Recently I had negotiated a training contract with the Department of the Environment. This was a three-year contract at a huge salary, the MD said he didn’t want it so I could have it.

Now my life was fixed on training and having a guaranteed income for three years. On the conclusion of the contract I started my company.

I ran this company until I took retirement in 2002.

Where I am Now

After going to Australia and Canada to see relatives I got divorced, and I emigrated to Canada. Here I met and married a wonderful lady. Unfortunately, she was sick, and we only had under 6 years before she died.

Then I met another wonderful woman on the Internet, came to the Philippines, and we got married.

Now I spend my time coaching people in their relationship challenges. Advising managers how to cope with life in business.

I have written 5 books:

1. Grumpy Brother Christmas for my 2 grand-children

2. Tales of Saskia and Sara — children

3. On the road to nowhere — short stories

4. How not to get Divorced (relationships)

5. Harold the story of a boy looking for love (now being edited).

I am a qualified life coach in the UK and USA, an NLP Coach and Business Consultant. As you can see, I have a wealth of experiences to tell about and many topics I can help people with in their lives.

You can contact me at:



Ronald Streeter

Most of my career was as a Trainer and Business Consultant. I started as a Systems Analyst and moved in to teaching. 4 books published on variety of subjects.