This Is How to Be In a Flow State 24/7 (Even if You’re a Busy Person)

Focus Your Brain in One Direction Per Time

Kurtis Pykes
The Startup


Image created by author using Midjourney

Albert Einstein once said, “Time flies when you are having fun.

I’m not sure if he knew, but he was talking about flow.

Flow is a state of mind in which you’re fully immersed in whatever you’re doing.

It’s when the activity has absorbed your attention so much that you lose track of time.

Most people think flow comes and goes only when you’re engaged in a specific task you enjoy doing, but that’s not quite how it works…

Your entire existence can be in flow.

You don’t have to check in and check out.

Like I said earlier, flow means being fully immersed in whatever you’re doing. If you’re not being distracted, you’re in flow.

Thus, flow isn’t much of a mystery after all…

Several triggers, such as different environments, tight deadlines, high consequences for failure, etc., could help boot up the flow state.

But there is one ultimate trigger that you must have in your arsenal…

Multitasking doesn’t work

“The power for creating a…



Kurtis Pykes
The Startup

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for high-ticket B2B service founders.