This Is The Email I Send To New Freelance Clients To Clarify Our Agreements

It prevents disputes and gets me paid, on time and in full

Steven Toews, JD, MBA
The Startup


Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

If, after landing a freelance client, you’ve ever wondered, “Should I put this agreement in writing?,” you’re not alone. Plenty of freelancers have found themselves desiring the certainty and specificity of a written contract but have been unsure about how to go about it.

You’d go out and hire a lawyer to draft a contract but that’s simply too expensive and impractical. You just want to protect yourself and make sure you get paid for all your work.

Reducing agreements to writing has major benefits for both the freelancer and the client. Luckily, you’re entirely able to do this on your own, without the help of a lawyer you can’t afford.

You’re not gonna sue

While reducing an agreement to writing does theoretically make it more enforceable, let’s be honest: You’re not going to sue to enforce an agreement over a few hundred or a couple thousand bucks. Odds are good that you’d spend orders of magnitude more on the suit than you would receive in the form of damages.

Also, litigation is extremely stressful for most people, the results are uncertain and unpredictable, and it takes…



Steven Toews, JD, MBA
The Startup

I help working professionals find fulfillment and increase income by writing online.