This Is the Smartest Move You Can Make With Crypto and Bitcoin Right Now

How to take advantage of the most you can this harvest season without losing everything in the process.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

Right now, Bitcoin is over $70,000 USD.

A price that many people never anticipated to see in the last four years, and others prepared well all these months for this moment.

As expected, now is when everyone has FOMO about this market (and not when it was $21,000).

People want to start investing there, learn about the prices, and, above all, believe they can become millionaires if they enter now.

Many friends have asked me if there are still possibilities for making money this year with cryptocurrencies. The reality is that even if many people have predictions about what will happen in the following months, nobody really knows what will happen for sure.

There’s a big possibility that everything will continue growing, but this last ATH could also be the final price for this year, and it could go down aggressively.

Despite all this, I firmly believe there are big chances to make big money now, as long as you know the risks and prepare a strategy according to your investment capacity.



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice