This is What Happens When You Follow The Herd Online

You start to realize their dreams instead of yours

Jerine Nicole
The Startup


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

When I started writing online, I thought it would be the answer to my quarter-life existential crisis.

I worked as a frontline Emergency nurse in a local hospital in Toronto. And just like my colleagues, I had the strong urge to leave the profession. So I worked for more than a year to make this happen.

Eventually, I did.

I quit my job by becoming a freelance writer for clients like Nicolas Cole, Dickie Bush and Matt D’Avella. (If you’re in the creator world, you might be familiar with these people)

All the experts’ advice like “niche down”, and “do freelancing and you’ll make six figures” were finally starting to pay off. I was able to match my nursing salary with my writing gigs.

Except, there was still something that didn’t feel right.

I soon realized that a lot of online noises made me someone I wasn’t. I was being influenced to do things that might not have been my first choice if I had known my core values.

This is what happens when you follow the online herd without being grounded in who you are.

You get into a box you initially wanted to run



Jerine Nicole
The Startup

Part-time nurse, part-time writer. I write stories about how I explore life to inspire others. Insights on intentional living: