This is What the Vast Majority of YouTubers Just Don’t Understand

YouTube won’t make you rich unless you ignore ad revenue

Zulie Rane
The Startup


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

YouTubers aren’t realizing their full income potential. I’m considered a fairly decent success story on YouTube. I was monetized about a year after I started posting. I reached 10k followers a year after. I’m in the top 3.4% of YouTubers in terms of subs.

But that’s a tiny fraction of the potential available for ambitious YouTubers. I make $400 a month from YouTube. That will not make me wealthy.

If I keep growing at the rate I’m growing, the ad revenue will not get to $1,000 a month until December 2021, if I’m lucky. (And still, $12,000 a year is way below minimum wage.)

When I see YouTube advice, so much of it is geared to grow your views, your followers, and your ad revenue. Most conventional advice ignores the awkward truth: ad revenue will probably never make you rich.

There are two areas you should focus on instead that have real potential to increase your income.

1. Brand Sponsorships

I increased my earnings by 25% in one month with a single, simple step: I got #sponsored. A brand paid me a flat fee to record a quick ad to post at the start of my video.



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.